Mathematical modeling of interaction of two cells in proneural cluster of D.mealnogaster


We consider the phase portrait of a 6-dimensional nonlinear dynamical system considered as a model of an early stage of morphogenesis of D. melanogaster, i.e., appearance of its parental cell in the proneural cluster. Sufficient conditions of existence of two stable equilibrium points of this system are described, and biological interpretation is given.


A A Akinshin, T A Bukharina, D P Furman, V P Golubyatnikov “Mathematical modeling of interaction of two cells in proneural cluster of D.mealnogaster” (2014)

  abstract = {We consider the phase portrait of a 6-dimensional nonlinear dynamical system considered as a model of an early stage of morphogenesis of D. melanogaster, i.e., appearance of its parental cell in the proneural cluster. Sufficient conditions of existence of two stable equilibrium points of this system are described, and biological interpretation is given.},
  address = {Novosibirsk},
  author = {Akinshin, A A and Bukharina, T A and Furman, D P and Golubyatnikov, V P},
  journal = {Vestnik NSU [NSU Herald]},
  custom-tags = {Vak},
  language = {russian},
  number = {4},
  pages = {3-10},
  title = {Mathematical modeling of interaction of two cells in proneural cluster of D.mealnogaster},
  url = {\&jrnid=vngu\&paperid=350\&option\_lang=eng},
  volume = {14},
  year = {2014}