Mathematical and Numerical Models of the Central Regulatory Circuit of the Morphogenesis System of Drosophila


The results are presented of mathematical and computer simulation of the functioning of the central regulatory circuit (CRC) which is the system integrator of the gene networks ofmorphogenesis of Drosophila mechanoreceptors. The main element of the CRC is represented bythe complex of Achaete-Scute (AS-C) genes, the main genes of the mechanoreceptor morphogenesis.The content level of the proteins encoded by the AS-Cgenes is a determining factor for initiating the development of a mechanoreceptor. We carried outa comparative study of the CRC behavior under normal conditions and in the presence ofmutational changes in the Achaete-Scute complex. Theresults of simulation are in good accord with the available biological data.


A. A. Akinshin, T. A. Bukharina, V. P. Golubyatnikov, D. P. Furman “Mathematical and Numerical Models of the Central Regulatory Circuit of the Morphogenesis System of Drosophila” (2020) DOI: 10.1134/S1990478920020040

  author = {Akinshin, A. A. and Bukharina, T. A. and Golubyatnikov, V. P. and Furman, D. P.},
  title = {Mathematical and Numerical Models of the Central Regulatory Circuit of the Morphogenesis System of Drosophila},
  journal = {Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics},
  year = {2020},
  month = {May},
  day = {01},
  volume = {14},
  number = {2},
  pages = {249-255},
  abstract = {The results are presented of mathematical and computer simulation of the functioning of the central regulatory circuit (CRC) which is the system integrator of the gene networks ofmorphogenesis of Drosophila mechanoreceptors. The main element of the CRC is represented bythe complex of Achaete-Scute (AS-C) genes, the main genes of the mechanoreceptor morphogenesis.The content level of the proteins encoded by the AS-Cgenes is a determining factor for initiating the development of a mechanoreceptor. We carried outa comparative study of the CRC behavior under normal conditions and in the presence ofmutational changes in the Achaete-Scute complex. Theresults of simulation are in good accord with the available biological data.},
  issn = {1990-4797},
  doi = {10.1134/S1990478920020040},
  url = {}