On a Numerical Model of a Circadian Oscillator


For a model of a circadian oscillator presented in the form of a 6-dimensional nonlinear dynamical system, conditions of uniqueness of an equilibrium point and conditions of existence of a periodic trajectory (cycle) are established. A client-server application is developed to perform numerical experiments with this model on a cloud server and to visualize the results of these experiments.


A. A. Akinshin, N. B. Ayupova, V. P. Golubyatnikov, N. E. Kirillova, O. A. Podkolodnaya, N. L. Podkolodnyy “On a Numerical Model of a Circadian Oscillator” (2022) DOI: 10.1134/S1995423922030016

  author = {Akinshin, A. A. and Ayupova, N. B. and Golubyatnikov, V. P. and Kirillova, N. E. and Podkolodnaya, O. A. and Podkolodnyy, N. L.},
  title = {On a Numerical Model of a Circadian Oscillator},
  journal = {Numerical Analysis and Applications},
  year = {2022},
  month = {Sep},
  day = {01},
  volume = {15},
  number = {3},
  pages = {187-196},
  abstract = {For a model of a circadian oscillator presented in the form of a 6-dimensional nonlinear dynamical system, conditions of uniqueness of an equilibrium point and conditions of existence of a periodic trajectory (cycle) are established. A client-server application is developed to perform numerical experiments with this model on a cloud server and to visualize the results of these experiments.},
  issn = {1995-4247},
  doi = {10.1134/S1995423922030016},
  url = {https://rdcu.be/cUri9}