Selected methods of interval estimation of the median. The analysis of accuracy of estimation


Mediana z próby jest jednym z estymatorów parametru położenia i może być stosowana


Aleksandra Baszczyńska, Dorota Pekasiewicz “Selected methods of interval estimation of the median. The analysis of accuracy of estimation” (2010)

  title = {Selected methods of interval estimation of the median. The analysis of accuracy of estimation},
  issn = {0208-6018},
  url = {},
  abstract = {Mediana z próby jest jednym z estymatorów parametru położenia i może być stosowana},
  language = {en},
  urldate = {2020-06-27},
  author = {Baszczyńska, Aleksandra and Pekasiewicz, Dorota},
  year = {2010},
  note = {Accepted: 2012-04-16T12:16:11Z},
  custom-url-pdf = {}