Andrey Akinshin / CV

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Software Developer, Performance Engineer, Mathematician
Performance Methodologist at JetBrains
Creator of BenchmarkDotNet
Author of Pro .NET Benchmarking
PhD in Mathematics and Computer Science
Ex-postdoc at Weizmann Institute of Science
Silver medal at ACM ICPC

Software Development

Favorite languages: C# · Kotlin · R · LaTeX · Markdown

Perpetuum Software LLC · Enterra · Adaptive Technologies
09/2010–08/2011 Junior Software Developer
09/2011–01/2013 Software Developer
02/2013–09/2016 Lead Software Developer

10/2015–12/2020 Software Developer · Rider
01/2021–03/2022 Performance Lead · Rider

Huawei Research
06/2022–09/2022 Statistician

11/2022–04/2024 Senior Performance Engineer · .NET Department
05/2024–Present Performance Methodologist


PhD in Mathematics and Computer Science

Erdős number of 4 · A. Akinshin Y. Yomdin M. Rubin R. Bonnet P. Erdős

I.I. Polzunov Altai state technical university · Faculty of Information Technologies
09/2006–06/2011 Student · Software for Computers and Automated System · 230105
08/2011–12/2013 PhD Student · Mathematical modeling, numeric methods, and software systems · 05.13.18

Altai Economics and Law Institute
09/2009–09/2014 Senior Lecturer · Computer science and mathematics

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS · Laboratory of Inverse Problems of Mathematical Physics
08/2012–06/2014 Engineer
07/2014–12/2016 Research Scientist · Mathematical biology and dynamical systems

Weizmann Institute of Science · Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
10/2014–09/2016 Postdoctoral Research Fellow · Digital signal processing


04/2006 Russian Olympiad in Informatics 2006 · Gold
04/2008 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest 2008 · Certified
04/2009 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest 2009 · Silver
2015-2019 Microsoft MVP
2015-2022 DotNext program committee member
01/2012–12/2014 RFBR 12-01-00074 · Direct and inverse problems of gene networks mathematical modeling
01/2015–12/2017 RFBR 15-01-00745 A · Dynamic characteristics of gene networks models
01/2018-12/2020 RFBR 18-01-00057 A · Ring structures in gene network models

Open Source

dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet · Powerful .NET library for benchmarking · 10K+ stars · 20K+ dependent repos · 30M+ downloads
AndreyAkinshin/perfolizer · Performance analysis toolkit · 25M+ downloads
AndreyAkinshin/Russian-Phd-LaTeX-Dissertation-Template · LaTeX-template for Russian PhD thesis

Research Papers
AndreyAkinshin/paper-qrdehd · Quantile-respectful density estimation based on the Harrell-Davis quantile estimator
AndreyAkinshin/paper-wqe · Weighted quantile estimators
AndreyAkinshin/paper-frc · Finite-sample Rousseeuw-Croux scale estimators
AndreyAkinshin/paper-qad · Quantile absolute deviation
AndreyAkinshin/paper-mad-factors · Finite-sample bias-correction factors for the median absolute deviation
AndreyAkinshin/paper-thdqe · Trimmed Harrell-Davis quantile estimator based on the highest density interval of the given width

AndreyAkinshin/ggwaterfall · R package with functions for drawing density and frequency trail waterfall plots
AndreyAkinshin/ProblemBook.NET · Free book with .NET/C# problems
AndreyAkinshin/CultureInfoExplorer · Explorer of CultureInfo instances in .NET
AndreyAkinshin/InteropDotNet · Cross-platform AnyCPU P/Invoke for .NET
AndreyAkinshin/knockout-mvc · Knockout.js wrapper for ASP.NET
AndreyAkinshin/CourseraDspWorkbook · Workbook for Coursera DSP course
AndreyAkinshin/BlittableStructs · Blittable .NET structs
AndreyAkinshin/pwLLL · Shiny app that builds 3D phase portraits of a piecewise linear LLL-system
AndreyAkinshin/clock-bmal1 · Shiny app for CLOCK:BMAL1 Circadian Oscillator Model

Memorable contributions
dotnet/runtime · .NET is a cross-platform runtime for cloud, mobile, desktop, and IoT apps
JetBrains/intellij-community · IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
mono/mono · Mono open source ECMA CLI, C# and .NET implementation
NuGet/NuGet.Client · Core client libraries for NuGet Services
nodatime/nodatime · A better date and time API for .NET
charlesw/tesseract · A .NET wrapper for tesseract-ocr
Code52/pretzel · A site generation tool (and then some) for .NET platforms

Random contributions
tmyroadctfig/twaindotnet · .NET API for TWAIN
jjrdk/ArchiMetrics · Various code analysis tools for C#
finagle/finch · Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services
GitbookIO/gitbook · Modern documentation format and toolchain using Git and Markdown
overthecs/ · Source code of OverAPI
yihui/knitr-examples · A collection of knitr examples
ravendb/ravendb · An ACID NoSQL Document Database
mfilippov/vimeo-dot-net · A .NET wrapper for Vimeo API v3.0
dotnet/docs · This repository contains .NET Documentation
dotnet/linker · Mono linker
JetBrains/ideolog · Interactive viewer for '.log' files
JetBrains/resharper-unity · Unity support for both ReSharper and Rider
JetBrains/pty4j · Pty for Java
nwillc/ksvg · A Multiplatform Kotlin SVG image DSL
KonH/LivelibExport · Script that converts LiveLib reading list to csv
facebook/react-native · A framework for building native apps with React
obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks · Task management for the Obsidian knowledge base
Lakens/statistical_inferences · Repository for the textbook 'Improving Your Statistical Inferences' by Daniel Lakens
Nukesor/pueue · Manage your shell commands
scipy/scipy · SciPy library main repository
papis/papis · document and bibliography manager
JetBrains/rd · Reactive Distributed communication framework
JetBrains/azure-tools-for-intellij · Azure Toolkit for JetBrains Rider
adamsitnik/awesome-dot-net-performance · A curated list of awesome .NET Performance-related stuff
dotnet/wpf · .NET Core UI framework for building Windows desktop applications
JetBrains/clrstack · Tool for capture stack traces for .NET application
octokit/ · A GitHub API client library for .NET
gui-cs/Terminal.Gui · Cross Platform Terminal UI toolkit for .NET



