The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

by Thomas S. Kuhn · 1996

Essential reading.

Early fast-gathering is a far more rearly random activity than the one that subsequent scientific development makes familiar.

To be accepted as a paradigm, a theory must seem better than its competitors, but it need not, and in fact never does, explain all the facts with which it can be confronted.

The scientific enterprise as a whole does from time to time prove useful, open up new territory, display order, and test long-accepted belief. Nevertheless, the individual engaged on a normal research problem is almost never doing any one of these things. Once engaged, his motivation is of a rather different sort. What then challenges him is the conviction that, if only he is skillful enough, he will succeed in solving a puzzle that no one before has solved or solved so well. Many of the greatest scientific minds have devoted all of their professional attention to demanding puzzles of this sort. On most occasions any particular field of specialization offers nothing else to do, a fact that makes it no less fascinating to the proper sort of addict.


  • 1ed: 1962
  • 2ed: 1970
  • 3ed: 1996
  • 4ed: 2012 (50th anniversary)