
"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" · 1985 · Richard P Feynman
Animal Farm · 1945 · George Orwell
Gödel, Escher, Bach · 1999 · Douglas R. Hofstadter
Meditations · 181 · Marcus Aurelius
Mistakes Were Made, but Not by Me · 2007 · Carol Tavris et al.
Several Short Sentences About Writing · 2012 · Verlyn Klinkenborg
The Open Society and Its Enemies · 1945 · Karl Popper
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions · 1996 · Thomas S. Kuhn
Walden · 1854 · Henry David Thoreau
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance · 1974 · Robert M. Pirsig

"What Do You Care What Other People Think?" · 2018 · Richard P Feynman et al.
0.05 Evidence-based Medicine · 2019, In Russian · Petr Talantov
A History of Western Philosophy · 1945 · Bertrand Russell
Adventures of a Mathematician · 1991 · Stanislaw M. Ulam
Against Method · 1975 · Paul Karl Feyerabend
Catch-22 · 2004 · Joseph Heller
Complexity · 2009 · Melanie Mitchell
Corporate Lifecycles · 1987 · Ichak Kalderon Adizes
Dialogues of Plato · 376 · Plato
Escape from Freedom · 1941 · Erich Fromm
Fooled by Randomness · 2004 · Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Gemba Kaizen · 1997 · Masaaki Imai
How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming · 2010 · Mike Brown
Introduction to Robust Estimation and Hypothesis Testing · 2021 · Rand R. Wilcox
Letters from a Stoic · 65 · Seneca
LSD · 2005 · Albert Hofmann
Lying on the Couch · 1996 · Irvin D Yalom
Managing Corporate Lifecycles · 1998 · Ichak Kalderon Adizes
My World Line · 1970 · George Gamow
Never Split the Difference · 2016 · Chris Voss
Nudge · 2009 · Richard H. Thaler
On Writing · 2000 · Stephen King
One Palm Clap · 2020, In Russian · Nikolay Kukushkin
Out of the Crisis · 1982 · W. Edwards Deming
Praise of Folly · 1508 · Erasmus
Prime Obsession · 2003 · John Derbyshire
Probably Overthinking It · 2023 · Allen B. Downey
Simple Sabotage Field Manual · 1944 · United States Office of Strategic Services
Slaughterhouse-Five · 1969 · Kurt Vonnegut Jr
Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails · 2020 · Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Statistics Done Wrong · 2015 · Alex Reinhart
The Bed of Procrustes · 2010 · Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Billion Dollar Spy · 2015 · David E. Hoffman
The Castle · 1926 · Franz Kafka
The Courage to Be Disliked · 2019 · Ichiro Kishimi
The Design of Everyday Things · 1988 · Donald A. Norman
The Doors of Perception · 1954 · Aldous Huxley
The Fundamentals of Heavy Tails · 2022 · Jayakrishnan Nair et al.
The Goal · 1984 · Eliyahu M Goldratt et al.
The Lady Tasting Tea · 2002 · David Salsburg
The Logical Thinking Process · 2007 · H. William Dettmer
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers · 1998 · Paul Hoffman
The New Economics · 1991 · W. Edwards Deming
The Republic · 376 · Plato
The Schopenhauer Cure · 2000 · Irvin D Yalom
The Spinoza Problem · 2012 · Irvin D Yalom
The Tao of Pooh · 1982 · Benjamin Hoff
The Trial · 1925 · Franz Kafka
What If There Were No Significance Tests? · 1997 · Lisa L. Harlow
When Nietzsche Wept · 1992 · Irvin D Yalom
Zen in the Art of Archery · 1948 · Eugen Herrigel

21 Lessons for the 21st Century · 2018 · Yuval Noah Harari
5 Years Among Jews and Foreign Ministry Members · 2003, In Russian · Alexander Bovin
A Foreign Woman · 1986, In Russian · Sergei Dovlatov
A Genetic Switch · 1986 · Mark Ptashne
A History of the Jews · 1987 · Paul Johnson
A Mathematician's Apology · 1992 · G.H. Hardy
Advantages of incompetent management · 2024-07-04 · Yossi Kreinin
Aha! Gotcha · 1975 · Martin Gardner
Alice in Wonderland · 2004 · Lewis Carroll
Antifragile · 2012 · Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Atomic Habits · 2018 · James Clear
Badass · 2015 · Kathy Sierra
Benjamin Franklin · 2004 · Walter Isaacson
Clear, Understandable · 2020, In Russian · Maxim Ilyakhov
Craft · 1985, In Russian · Sergei Dovlatov
Creatures of a Day · 2015 · Irvin D Yalom
Crime and Punishment · 1866, In Russian · Fyodor Dostoevsky
Cryptonomicon · 1999 · Neal Stephenson
Designing Data-Intensive Applications · 2015 · Martin Kleppmann
Eurekas and Euphorias · 2002 · Walter Gratzer
Everything is Fucked · 2019 · Mark Manson
Factfulness · 2018 · Hans Rosling
Fathers and Sons · 1862, In Russian · Ivan Turgenev
Feeling Good · 2008 · David D Burns
Fermat's Last Theorem · 1997 · Simon Singh
Fight Club · 1996 · Chuck Palahniuk
Filial · 1989, In Russian · Sergei Dovlatov
Flow · 1990 · Mihály Csíkszentmihályi
Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing · 2022 · Matthew Perry
Generation P · 1999
Gödel's Proof · 2001 · Ernest Nagel
Heaven and Hell · 1956 · Aldous Huxley
High Performance Web Sites · 2007-09-01 · Steve Souders
Homo Deus · 2017 · Yuval Noah Harari
How Not to Be Wrong · 2014 · Jordan Ellenberg
How To Conduct Organizational Surveys · 1997 · Jack E. Edwards et al.
How to Invent Everything · 2018 · Ryan North
How to Lie with Statistics · 1982 · Darrell Huff
How to Take Smart Notes · 2017 · Sönke Ahrens
How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog) · 2016, In Russian · Lee Alan Dugatkin et al.
Improving Your Statistical Inferences · 2022 · Daniël Lakens
Introduction to the New Statistics · 2024 · Geoff Cumming
It's Not Luck · 1994 · Eliyahu M Goldratt
Jedi Techniques · 2017, In Russian · Maksim Dorofeev
Lab Girl · 2016 · Hope Jahren
Lessons in Stoicism · 2019 · John Sellars
Make It Stick · 2014 · Peter C. Brown et al.
Man’s Search for Meaning · 1959 · Viktor E. Frankl
Mastery · 2012 · Robert Greene
Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics · 1989 · Vladimir I. Arnold
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone · 2019 · Lori Gottlieb
Mr Tompkins in Wonderland · 1962 · George Gamow
My Inventions · 1935 · Nikola Tesla
On Writing Well · 1976 · William Zinsser
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich · 1962 · Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest · 1962 · Ken Kesey
One Small Step Can Change Your Life · 2009 · Robert Maurer
Ours · 1983, In Russian · Sergei Dovlatov
Outliers · 2008 · Malcolm Gladwell
Performance Analysis and Tuning on Modern CPUs · 2020 · Denis Bakhvalov
Pixel Logic - A Guide to Pixel Art · 2019 · Michael Azzi
Predictably Irrational · 2008 · Dan Ariely
Pro .NET Memory Management · 2018 · Konrad Kokosa
Pushkin Hills · 1983, In Russian · Sergei Dovlatov
Rabbits and Boa Constrictors · 1982 · Fazil Iskander
Robot Dreams · 1983 · Isaac Asimov
Robot Visions · 1990 · Isaac Asimov
Robust Statistics · 2009 · Peter J. Huber et al.
Robust Statistics · 2019 · Ricardo A Maronna et al.
Sapiens · 2015 · Yuval Noah Harari
Scale Development · 2021 · Robert F. DeVellis
Skin in the Game · 2018 · Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Statistical Evidence · 1997 · Richard Royall
Statistical Rethinking · 2015 · Richard McElreath
Summa Technologiae · 1964 · Stanisław Lem
Systems Performance · 2020 · Brendan Gregg
Talking to Crazy · 2015 · Mark Goulston
Tao Te Ching · 401 · Lao Tzu
The 48 Laws of Power · 1998 · Robert Greene
The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking · 2012 · Edward B. Burger
The Accidental Veterinarian · 2019 · Philipp Schott
The Animator's Survival Kit · 2001 · Richard Williams
The Art of Always Being Right · 1831 · Arthur Schopenhauer
The Art of Community · 2009 · Jono Bacon
The Art of Doing Science and Engineering · 1997 · Richard Hamming
The Art of Procrastination · 2012 · John R. Perry
The Art of Rick and Morty · 2017 · James Siciliano
The Black Obelisk · 1956 · Erich Maria Remarque
The Black Swan · 2010 · Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Blind Watchmaker · 1986 · Richard Dawkins
The Complete Tales and Poems of Winnie-the-Pooh · 2001 · AA Milne
The Compromise · 1981, In Russian · Sergei Dovlatov
The Disordered Mind · 2018 · Eric R. Kandel
The Essential Guide to Effect Sizes · 2010 · Paul D. Ellis
The Fourfold Remedy · 2022 · John Sellars
The Gift of Therapy · 2003 · Irvin D Yalom
The God Delusion · 2006 · Richard Dawkins
The Golden Calf · 1931, In Russian · Ilya Ilf et al.
The Hard Thing About Hard Things · 2014 · Ben Horowitz
The Innovators · 2011 · Walter Isaacson
The Logic of Scientific Discovery · 1934 · Karl Popper
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales · 1985 · Oliver Sacks
The Path of the Jedi · 2019, In Russian · Maksim Dorofeev
The Petty Demon · 1905, In Russian · Fyodor Sologub
The Pragmatic Programmer · 1999 · Andy Hunt
The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field · 1945 · Jacques Hadamard
The Scout Mindset · 2021 · Julia Galef
The Search for Existential Identity · 1383729 · James F.T. Bugental
The Selfish Gene · 2006 · Richard Dawkins
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck · 2016 · Mark Manson
The Suitcase · 1986, In Russian · Sergei Dovlatov
The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons · 2014 · Sam Kean
The Te of Piglet · 2003 · Benjamin Hoff
The Twelve Chairs · 1928, In Russian · Ilya Ilf et al.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being · 1984 · Milan Kundera
The Unfettered Mind · 1988 · Takuan Soho
The Way of Zen · 1999 · Alan W Watts
The Zone · 1982, In Russian · Sergei Dovlatov
Thinking, Fast and Slow · 2011 · Daniel Kahneman
Three Men in a Boat · 1889 · Jerome K. Jerome
Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There · 1993 · Lewis Carroll
Trainspotting · 1993 · Irvine Welsh
Ultralearning · 2019 · Scott H. Young
Ultramarathon Man · 2005 · Dean Karnazes
Understanding Human Nature · 1927 · Alfred Adler
Understanding Life · 1933 · Alfred Adler
Understanding the New Statistics · 2011 · Geoff Cumming
Utopia · 1516 · Thomas More
Wabi-Sabi · 1994 · Leonard Koren
Ward No. 6 · 1892, In Russian · Anton Chekhov
We · 1924, In Russian · Yevgeny Zamyatin
When Einstein Walked with Gödel · 2018 · Jim Holt
When Panic Attacks · 2006 · David D Burns
Working Effectively with Legacy Code · 2004 · Michael C. Feathers
Working in Public · 2020 · Nadia Eghbal
Write, Reduce · 2016, In Russian · Maxim Ilyakhov

All Quiet on the Western Front · 1987 · Erich Maria Remarque
Arch of Triumph · 1945 · Erich Maria Remarque
Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way · 2019 · Will Kurt
Clean Code · 2008 · Robert C Martin
Code Complete · 2004 · Steve McConnell
Communication with a Child · , In Russian · Julia Gippenreiter
De Anima · 351 · Aristotle
Designing and Engineering Time · 2008-04-01 · Steven Seow
Doing Bayesian Data Analysis · 2014 · John K. Kruschke
Drive · 2009 · Daniel H Pink
Eichmann in Jerusalem · 1963 · Hannah Arendt
Einstein · 2007 · Walter Isaacson
Employee surveys that work · 2014 · Alec Levenson
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas · 1971 · Hunter S. Thompson
Finding Flow · 1995 · Mihály Csíkszentmihályi
Flatland · 1884 · Edwin A. Abbott
Flowers for Algernon · 1966 · Daniel Keyes
Gaming the Metrics · 2020 · Mario Biagioli et al.
Go Crazy · 2016, In Russian · Daria Varlamova
Guns, Germs, and Steel · 1997 · Jared Diamond
Heart of a Dog · 1925, In Russian · Mikhail Bulgakov
How to Talk so Kids Will Listen & Listen so Kids Will Talk · 2004 · Adele Faber
How to Think Like a Roman Emperor · 2019 · Donald J. Robertson
Jugaphilia · 2019, In Russian · Dmitry Oreshkin
Make Time · 2018 · Jake Knapp et al.
Moscow 2042 · 1987, In Russian · Vladimir Voinovich
My Life and Work · 1922 · Henry Ford
Nonviolent Communication · 1999 · Marshall B. Rosenberg
Peace is Every Step · 1992 · Thich Nhat Hanh
Pro .NET Performance · 2012 · Sasha Goldshtein
Robots Have No Tails · 1952 · Henry Kuttner
Shoe Dog · 2016 · Phil Knight
Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences · 1988 · Jacob Cohen
Steve Jobs · 2011 · Walter Isaacson
Taking the Measure of Work · 2002 · Dail L. Fields
TED Talks · 2016 · Chris J. Anderson
Tesla · 2023 · Stankovich Marko
The Art of Readable Code · 2011 · Dustin Boswell
The Attention Revolution, Unlocking the Power of the Focused Mind · 2006 · B Alan Wallace
The Better Angels of Our Nature · 2010 · Steven Pinker
The Choice · 2017 · Edith Eger
The Code Breaker · 2021 · Walter Isaacson
The Diary of a Young Girl · 1993 · Anne Frank
The Gift · 2020 · Edith Eger
The Grand Design · 2010 · Stephen Hawking
The Little Prince · 1943 · Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The Master and Margarita · 1967, In Russian · Mikhail Bulgakov
The Miracle of Mindfulness · 1999 · Thich Nhat Hanh
The Psychology of Time Perception · 2016-06-24 · John Wearden
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life · 1901 · Sigmund Freud
The Radium Girls · 2016 · Kate Moore
Three Comrades · 1936 · Erich Maria Remarque
When We Do Harm · 2020 · Danielle Ofri
When · 2018 · Daniel H Pink

$100M Offers · 2021 · Alex Hormozi
A Country Doctor's Notebook · 1925, In Russian · Mikhail Bulgakov
A Man Called Ove · 2012 · Fredrik Backman
A Mind for Numbers · 2014 · Barbara Oakley
A Separate Reality · 1971 · Carlos Castaneda
A Wizard of Earthsea · 2012 · Ursula K. Le Guin
Accelerate · 2018 · Nicole Forsgren et al.
Advice on Mathematical Writing · Keith Conrad
Alibaba · 25817524 · Duncan Clark
All Yesterdays · 2012 · John Conway
An Introduction to Zen Buddhism · 1991 · D.T. Suzuki
Bad Blood · 2018 · John Carreyrou
Bargaining with the Devil · 2010 · Robert Mnookin
Blink · 2007 · Malcolm Gladwell
Brave New World · 1932 · Aldous Huxley
Building a Second Brain · 2022 · Tiago Forte
Capacity Planning for Web Services · 2001-09-21 · Daniel A. Menascé et al.
Cat's Cradle · 1963 · Kurt Vonnegut Jr
Chapayev and the void · 1996, In Russian · Viktor Pelevin
Daily Rituals · 2013 · Mason Currey
Database Performance at Scale · 2023-09-08 · F.C. Mendes et al.
Deep Work · 2016 · Cal Newport
Design Patterns · 1994 · Erich Gamma
Designing for Performance · 2014-12-01 · Lara Hogan
Digital Minimalism · 2019 · Cal Newport
Don't Shoot the Dog! · 1984 · Karen Pryor
Educated · 2018 · Tara Westover
Effective Devops · 2015 · Jennifer Davis et al.
Empire of the Ants · 1991 · Bernard Werber
Every Computer Performance Book · 2013-03-29 · Bob Wescott et al.
Everything is Negotiable · 1983 · Gavin Kennedy
Fahrenheit 451 · 1953 · Ray Bradbury
Filth · 1998 · Irvine Welsh
Games People Play · 1964 · Eric Berne
Getting Things Done · 2002 · David Allen
Ham on Rye · 1982 · Charles Bukowski
Hamlet · 1601 · William Shakespeare
How to Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People by Public Speaking · 1905 · Dale Carnegie
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living · 1944 · Dale Carnegie
How to Win Friends and Influence People · 1936 · Dale Carnegie
Humble Pi · 1900 · Matt Parker
Hyperfocus · 2018 · Chris Bailey
I Am a Strange Loop · 2007 · Douglas R. Hofstadter
I Am Ozzy · 2009 · Ozzy Osbourne
Introduction to Algorithms · 2001 · Charles E. Leiserson
Introduction to Empirical Bayes · 2017 · David Robinson
Jonathan Livingston Seagull · 1970 · Richard Bach
Kaizen · 1985 · Masaaki Imai
Learning How to Learn · 2018 · Barbara Oakley
Lila · 1991 · Robert M. Pirsig
Making Things Happen · 2008 · Scott Berkun
Margins of Error · 2007 · Duane F. Alwin
Mother Night · 1961 · Kurt Vonnegut Jr
Mumu · 1852, In Russian · Ivan Turgenev
New Rules for Business Correspondence · 2018, In Russian · Maxim Ilyakhov
No More Mr. Nice Guy · 2003 · Robert A. Glover
Noise · 2021 · Daniel Kahneman
On Writing · Eran Raviv
On Writing · Terence Tao
Perfect Phrases for Writing Employee Surveys · 2010 · John Kador et al.
Pomodoro Technique Illustrated · 2010 · Staffan Nöteberg
Post Office · 1971 · Charles Bukowski
Powerful · 2018 · Patty McCord
Pulp · 1994 · Charles Bukowski
Refactoring · 1999 · Martin Fowler
Splitting the Second · 2000 · Tony Jones
Sprint · 2016 · Jake Knapp
Statistical Analysis of Extreme Values · 2001 · Rolf-Dieter Reiß et al.
Statistical Methods for Research Workers · 1925 · Ronald A Fisher
Statistics · 2007 · David Freedman
Summa Biotechnologiae · 2015, In Russian · Alexander Panchin
Tales from the Ant World · 2020 · Edward O. Wilson
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People · 1989 · Stephen R. Covey et al.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes · 1882 · Arthur Conan Doyle
The Clean Coder · 2011 · Robert C Martin
The Culture Code · 2017 · Daniel Coyle
The Deadline · 1997 · Tom DeMarco
The Drunkard's Walk · 2008 · Leonard Mlodinow
The Elements of Color · 1961 · Johannes Itten
The Headspace Guide to Meditation & Mindfulness · 2011 · Andy Puddicombe
The Hobbit · 1937 · JRR Tolkien
The Idea Factory · 2012 · Jon Gertner
The Ideal Executive · 2004 · Ichak Kalderon Adizes
The Importance of Being Earnest · 1895 · Oscar Wilde
The Inmates Are Running the Asylum · 1999 · Alan Cooper
The Lord of the Rings · 1954 · JRR Tolkien
The Minds of Billy Milligan · 1981 · Daniel Keyes
The Minto Pyramid Principle · 1996 · Barbara Minto
The Naming Book · 2020 · Brad Flowers
The Power of Company Culture · 2023 · Chris Dyer
The Sirens of Titan · 1959 · Kurt Vonnegut Jr
The Spirit of Kaizen · 2012 · Robert Maurer et al.
The Teachings of Don Juan · 1968 · Carlos Castaneda
The Tipping Point · 2000 · Malcolm Gladwell
The Willpower Instinct · 2011 · Kelly McGonigal
The Year of Living Danishly · 2015 · Helen Russell
To Kill a Mockingbird · 1960 · Harper Lee
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus · 1921 · Ludwig Wittgenstein
Unconditional Parenting · 2005 · Alfie Kohn
Understanding How We Learn · 2018 · Yana Weinstein
Up the Down Staircase · 1964 · Bel Kaufman
Usability Engineering · 1994 · Jakob Nielsen et al.
Writing High-Performance .NET Code · 2014 · Ben Watson
Zen in the Art of Writing · 1973 · Ray Bradbury
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind · 1970 · Shunryu Suzuki
1984 · 1949 · George Orwell