On Manual Writing

Desired properties of a manual:

  • It’s a sincere writing addressed to a good friend who needs advice
  • It’s based on real-life observations, mistakes, and unfortunate experiences
  • It provides the optimal strategy for decision-making
  • In controversial cases, it compares different approaches in the context of real-life problems
  • If people tend to ignore specific recommendations, it explains the potential consequences
  • It consists of brief ideas with references and remarks
  • It doesn’t contain logical flaws and inconsistencies
  • It doesn’t spend time on criticism
  • It warns about unobvious risks
  • It feels like common sense
  • It’s clear and concise

Your input is both desired and encouraged. Manuals are designed to be “living” documents, readily adaptable to new and better ideas, and easily revised. 1


  1. From Boeing 777 Flight Manual · 2002 ; “All Flight” is removed for brevity. ↩︎