DateTime under the hood

Andrey Akinshin · 2016-08-19

Update: You can find an updated and significantly improved version of this post in my book “Pro .NET Benchmarking”.

DateTime is a widely used .NET type. A lot of developers use it all the time, but not all of them really know how it works. In this post, I discuss DateTime.UtcNow: how it’s implemented, what the latency and the resolution of DateTime on Windows and Linux, how the resolution can be changed, and how it can affect your application. This post is an overview, so you probably will not see super detailed explanations of some topics, but you will find a lot of useful links for further reading.


In the .NET Framework, the DateTime struct is represented by a long value called Ticks. One tick equals to 100 ns, ticks are counted starting from 12:00 AM January 1, year 1 A.D. (Gregorian Calendar).

In Windows, there is another structure for time called FILETIME. It also uses 100 ns-ticks, but the starting point is January 1, 1601 (UTC). You can get current FILETIME via GetSystemTimeAsFileTime.

Now, let’s look at the source code of DateTime in the coreclr repo: DateTime.cs (the corresponded class in the Full .NET Framework looks almost the same; Mono uses code from the full framework directly). The implementation is based on GetSystemTimeAsFileTime and use FileTimeOffset for conversion. A simplified version of UtcNow from DateTime.cs:

public static DateTime UtcNow {
    get {
        long ticks = 0;
        ticks = GetSystemTimeAsFileTime();
        return new DateTime( ((UInt64)(ticks + FileTimeOffset)) | KindUtc);

internal static extern long GetSystemTimeAsFileTime();

You may have noticed KindUtc in the constructor argument. In fact, DateTime keeps actual Ticks only in bits 01-62 of the dateData field; bits 63-64 are used for DateTimeKind (Local, Utc, or Unspecified).

extern long GetSystemTimeAsFileTime() is implemented as follows: on Windows, it uses the GetSystemTimeAsFileTime function from windows.h, on Unix it uses gettimeofday and transforms the received value from the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970) to the Win32 epoch (January 1, 1601).

Let’s dive deeper into the source code for CoreCLR and Mono (you can skip the next two sections if you are not interested in the implementation details).

CoreCLR v1.0.0


FCClassElement("DateTime", "System", gDateTimeFuncs)


    FCFuncElement("GetSystemTimeAsFileTime", SystemNative::__GetSystemTimeAsFileTime)


FCIMPL0(INT64, SystemNative::__GetSystemTimeAsFileTime)

    INT64 timestamp;



timestamp = (INT64)(((UINT64)timestamp >> 32) | ((UINT64)timestamp << 32));

## ndif

return timestamp;

You can find the definition of FCIMPL0 in src/vm/fcall.h.


            OUT LPFILETIME lpSystemTimeAsFileTime)
    struct timeval Time;


    if ( gettimeofday( &Time, NULL ) != 0 )
        ASSERT("gettimeofday() failed");
        /* no way to indicate failure, so set time to zero */
        *lpSystemTimeAsFileTime = FILEUnixTimeToFileTime( 0, 0 );
        /* use (tv_usec * 1000) because 2nd arg is in nanoseconds */
        *lpSystemTimeAsFileTime = FILEUnixTimeToFileTime( Time.tv_sec,
                                                          Time.tv_usec * 1000 );

    LOGEXIT("GetSystemTimeAsFileTime returns.\n");

Convert a time_t value to a win32 FILETIME structure, as described in
MSDN documentation. time_t is the number of seconds elapsed since 
00:00 01 January 1970 UTC (Unix epoch), while FILETIME represents a 
64-bit number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have passed since 00:00 
01 January 1601 UTC (win32 epoch).
FILETIME FILEUnixTimeToFileTime( time_t sec, long nsec )
    __int64 Result;

    Result = ((__int64)sec + SECS_BETWEEN_1601_AND_1970_EPOCHS) * SECS_TO_100NS +
        (nsec / 100);

    Ret.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)Result;
    Ret.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(Result >> 32);

    TRACE("Unix time = [%ld.%09ld] converts to Win32 FILETIME = [%#x:%#x]\n", 
          sec, nsec, Ret.dwHighDateTime, Ret.dwLowDateTime);

    return Ret;


## Mono


ICALL_TYPE(DTIME, "System.DateTime", DTIME_1)
ICALL(DTIME_1, "GetSystemTimeAsFileTime", mono_100ns_datetime)


## nclude <windows.h>


/* Returns the number of 100ns ticks since Jan 1, 1601, UTC timezone */
mono_100ns_datetime (void)

    if (sizeof(ft) != sizeof(FILETIME))
        g_assert_not_reached ();

    GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ((FILETIME*) &ft);
    return ft.QuadPart;

## lse

// ...

 * Magic number to convert unix epoch start to windows epoch start
 * Jan 1, 1970 into a value which is relative to Jan 1, 1601.

## efine EPOCH_ADJUST    ((guint64)11644473600LL)

/* Returns the number of 100ns ticks since 1/1/1601, UTC timezone */
mono_100ns_datetime (void)
    struct timeval tv;
    if (gettimeofday (&tv, NULL) == 0)
        return mono_100ns_datetime_from_timeval (tv);
    return 0;

mono_100ns_datetime_from_timeval (struct timeval tv)
    return (((gint64)tv.tv_sec + EPOCH_ADJUST) * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec) * 10;

## Windows

As I mentioned previously, the WinAPI function for getting current time is `GetSystemTimeAsFileTime`. If you want to get the `FILETIME` with with the highest possible level of precision, you should use [GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime]( There is also the [GetSystemTime]( function which returns [SYSTEMTIME]( it works slowly but it returns current time in a well-suited format. You can convert `FILETIME` to `SYSTEMTIME` manually with help of the [FileTimeToSystemTime]( function.

In this section, only `GetSystemTimeAsFileTime` will be discussed. The resolution of this function may take different values. You can easily get the configuration of your OS with the help of the [ClockRes]( utility from the [Sysinternals Suite]( Here is a typical output on my laptop:

> Clockres.exe
Clockres v2.1 - Clock resolution display utility
Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Russinovich

Maximum timer interval: 15.625 ms
Minimum timer interval: 0.500 ms
Current timer interval: 1.000 ms

First of all, look at the maximum timer interval: it equals to 15.625 ms (this corresponds to a frequency of 64 Hz). It’s my default DateTime resolution when I don’t have any non-system running applications. This value can be changed programmatically by any application. For example, my current timer interval is 1 ms (frequency = 1000 Hz). However, there is a limit: my minimum timer interval equals to 0.5 ms (frequency = 2000 Hz). The current timer interval may only take value from the specified range.

It’s a typical configuration for the modern version of Windows. However, you can observe other resolution values on the older version of Windows. For example, according to MSDN, default resolution of DateTime on Windows 98 is about 55ms. You can also find a lot of useful information about different configuration here: The Windows Timestamp Project.

OS=Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 (Windows 10 anniversary update)
Processor=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4702MQ CPU 2.20GHz, ProcessorCount=8
Frequency=2143473 ticks, Resolution=466.5326 ns, Timer=TSC
CLR1=CORE, Arch=64-bit ? [RyuJIT]
CLR2=MS.NET 4.0.30319.42000
CLR3=Mono JIT compiler version 4.2.3
dotnet cli version: 1.0.0-preview2-003121

Current Timer Interval = 15.625ms:

LatencyClr7.0471 ns0.0342 ns
ResolutionClr15,599,814.5300 ns2,754.4628 ns
LatencyCore7.0481 ns0.0367 ns
ResolutionCore15,597,438.1294 ns2,655.8045 ns
LatencyMono30.4011 ns0.2043 ns
ResolutionMono15,550,311.0491 ns6,562.2114 ns

Current Timer Interval = 0.5ms (running AIMP):

LatencyClr7.3655 ns0.1102 ns
ResolutionClr499,666.4219 ns811.5021 ns
LatencyCore7.3545 ns0.0602 ns
ResolutionCore499,357.0707 ns1,021.2058 ns
LatencyMono31.5868 ns0.2685 ns
ResolutionMono499,696.0358 ns673.2927 ns

Windows Resolution API

So, how it can be changed? There are some Windows API which can be used: timeBeginPeriod/timeEndPeriod from winmm.dll and NtQueryTimerResolution/NtSetTimerResolution from ntdll.dll. You can use it directly from C#, here is a helper class for you:

public struct ResolutionInfo
  public uint Min;
  public uint Max;
  public uint Current;

public static class WinApi
  [DllImport("winmm.dll", EntryPoint = "timeBeginPeriod", SetLastError = true)]
  public static extern uint TimeBeginPeriod(uint uMilliseconds);

  [DllImport("winmm.dll", EntryPoint = "timeEndPeriod", SetLastError = true)]
  public static extern uint TimeEndPeriod(uint uMilliseconds);

  [DllImport("ntdll.dll", SetLastError = true)]
  private static extern uint NtQueryTimerResolution(out uint min, out uint max, out uint current);

  [DllImport("ntdll.dll", SetLastError = true)]
  private static extern uint NtSetTimerResolution(uint desiredResolution, bool setResolution,
    ref uint currentResolution);

  public static ResolutionInfo QueryTimerResolution()
    var info = new ResolutionInfo();
    NtQueryTimerResolution(out info.Min, out info.Max, out info.Current);
    return info;

  public static ulong SetTimerResolution(uint ticks)
    uint currentRes = 0;
    NtSetTimerResolution(ticks, true, ref currentRes);
    return currentRes;

Now let’s play a little bit with this class. First of all, we can write own ClockRes based on the described API:

var resolutioInfo = WinApi.QueryTimerResolution();
Console.WriteLine($"Min     = {resolutioInfo.Min}");
Console.WriteLine($"Max     = {resolutioInfo.Max}");
Console.WriteLine($"Current = {resolutioInfo.Current}");

Output (without any running apps):

Min     = 156250
Max     = 5000
Current = 156250

Now, let’s manually check that resolutioInfo.Current is the actual resolution of DateTime. Here is a very simple code which shows observed DateTime behaviour:

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
  var current = DateTime.UtcNow;
  var last = current;
  while (last == current)
    current = DateTime.UtcNow;
  var diff = current - last;

Typical output:


As you can see, the received numbers are not exactly equal to 156250. So, the difference between two sequential different DateTime values is approximately equal to the current timer interval.


For example, your current timer interval is not the maximum timer interval. How do you know who’s to blame? Which program increased the system timer frequency? You can check it with the help of powercfg. For example, run the following command as administrator:

powercfg -energy duration 10

This command will monitor you system for 10 seconds and generate an html report (energy-report.html in the current directory) with a lot of useful information include information about Platform Timer Resolution:

Platform Timer Resolution:Platform Timer Resolution
The default platform timer resolution is 15.6ms (15625000ns) and should be used whenever the system is idle.
If the timer resolution is increased, processor power management technologies may not be effective.
The timer resolution may be increased due to multimedia playback or graphical animations.
  Current Timer Resolution (100ns units) 5003 
  Maximum Timer Period (100ns units) 156250 

Platform Timer Resolution:Outstanding Timer Request
A program or service has requested a timer resolution smaller than the platform maximum timer resolution.
  Requested Period 5000 
  Requesting Process ID 6676 
  Requesting Process Path \Device\HarddiskVolume4\Users\akinshin\ConsoleApplication1.exe 

Platform Timer Resolution:Outstanding Timer Request
A program or service has requested a timer resolution smaller than the platform maximum timer resolution.
  Requested Period 10000 
  Requesting Process ID 10860 
  Requesting Process Path \Device\HarddiskVolume4\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe 

As you can see, default interval is 15.6ms, Firefox requires 1.0ms interval, and ConsoleApplication1.exe in my home directory (which just call WinApi.SetTimerResolution(5000)) requires 0.5ms interval. ConsoleApplication1.exe won, now I have the maximal possible platform timer frequency.


Ok, it sounds interesting, but why we should care about the system timer resolution? Here I want to ask you a question: what the following call does?


Somebody can answer: it suspend the current thread for 1 ms. Unfortunately, it’s a wrong answer. The documentation states the following:

The actual timeout might not be exactly the specified timeout, because the specified timeout will be adjusted to coincide with clock ticks.

In fact, the elapsed time depends on system timer resolution. Let’s write another naive benchmark (we don’t need any accuracy here, we just want to show the Sleep behavior in a simple way; so, we don’t need usual benchmarking routine here like a warmup, statistics, and so on):

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
  var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
  var time = sw.ElapsedTicks * 1000.0 / Stopwatch.Frequency;
  Console.WriteLine(time + " ms");

Typical output (for current timer interval = 15.625ms):

14.8772437280584 ms
15.5369201880125 ms
18.6300283418281 ms
15.5728431635545 ms
15.6129649284456 ms

As you can see, the elapsed intervals are much more than 1 ms. Now, let’s run Firefox (which sets the interval to 1ms) and repeat our stupid benchmark:

1.72057056881932 ms
1.48123957592228 ms
1.47983997947259 ms
1.47237546507424 ms
1.49756820116866 ms

Firefox affected the Sleep call and reduced elapsed interval by ~ten times. You can find a good explanation of the Sleep behavior in The Windows Timestamp Project:

Say the ActualResolution is set to 156250, the interrupt heartbeat of the system will run at 15.625 ms periods or 64 Hz, and a call to Sleep is made with the desired delay of 1 ms. Two scenarios are to be looked at:

  • The call was made < 1ms (ΔT) ahead of the next interrupt. The next interrupt will not confirm that the desired period of time has expired. Only the following interrupt will cause the call to return. The resulting sleep delay will be ΔT + 15.625ms.
  • The call was made ≥ 1ms (ΔT) ahead of the next interrupt. The next interrupt will force the call to return. The resulting sleep delay will be ΔT.

There are many others Sleep “features”, but they are beyond the scope of this post. You can read another interesting read about the subject here: Random ASCII: Sleep Variation Investigated (2013)

Of course, there are another Windows API which depends on the system timer resolution (e.g. Waitable Timer ). We will not discuss this class in detail, I just want to recommend you once again to read this great text: The Windows Timestamp Project


As I mentioned before, on Linux, DateTime.UtcNow uses the gettimeofday function. There are a lot of interesting posts on the internet about how it’s work (see the Links section), so I will not repeat them, I will just put some short summary here.

gettimeofday allows you to get time in microseconds. Thus, 1us is the minimal possible resolution. The actual resolution depends on linux version and hardware, but nowadays 1us is also your actual resolution (this is not guaranteed). Internally it’s usually based on a high-precision hardware timer and use vsyscall/vDSO to reduce latency (you can find some asm code here).

Xubuntu 16.04.01, the same hardware:

Processor=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4702MQ CPU 2.20GHz, ProcessorCount=8
CLR1=CORE, Arch=64-bit ? [RyuJIT]
CLR2=Mono 4.4.2 (Stable Fri Jul 29 09:58:49 UTC 2016), Arch=64-bit RELEASE
dotnet cli version: 1.0.0-preview2-003121
LatencyCore27.2925 ns0.4665 ns
ResolutionCore1,000.7250 ns0.5176 ns
LatencyMono26.6243 ns1.3973 ns
ResolutionMono998.2508 ns1.4941 ns


Let’s write simple benchmarks with the help of BenchmarkDotNet (v0.9.9):

[ClrJob, CoreJob, MonoJob]
public class DateTimeBenchmarks
  public long Latency() => DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

  public long Resolution()
    long lastTicks = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
    while (DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks == lastTicks)
    return lastTicks;


Now we know that the resolution and the latency of DateTime may be tricky. On Windows, the resolutions depend on Windows System Timer; it can be changed programmatically by any application. Usually, it’s about 0.5 ms..15.625 ms. On Linux, the resolution is typical 1 us. However, the latency on Windows is usually several times smaller that the latency on Linux (but you should not care about it in most cases).

Typically, DateTime is a good choice when you want to know the current time (e.g. for logging) and you don’t need high precision. However, beware of DateTime-specific phenomena (see Falsehoods programmers believe about time and More falsehoods programmers believe about time). If you need to measure some time interval (not just put an approximate timestamp into a log file), you probably need a better tool. In the next post, I will tell about Stopwatch: how it’s implemented, what the latency and the resolution of Stopwatch, how it works on different operating systems and runtimes, and why we should use Stopwatch on .NET, rather than alternative measurements tools.



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