
Posts (43) Books (19) Web (6)

Posts (43)

  1. How ListSeparator Depends on Runtime and Operating System (2020-05-20)
  2. How Socket Error Codes Depend on Runtime and Operating System (2020-04-27)
  3. .NET Core performance revolution in Rider 2020.1 (2020-04-14)
  4. Introducing perfolizer (2020-03-04) 1
  5. A story about slow NuGet package browsing (2018-05-08)
  6. Cross-runtime .NET disassembly with BenchmarkDotNet (2018-04-10) 1
  7. BenchmarkDotNet v0.10.14 (2018-04-09) 1
  8. BenchmarkDotNet v0.10.13 (2018-03-02)
  9. Analyzing distribution of Mono GC collections (2018-02-20)
  10. BenchmarkDotNet v0.10.12 (2018-01-15)
  11. BenchmarkDotNet v0.10.10 (2017-11-03)
  12. Measuring Performance Improvements in .NET Core with BenchmarkDotNet (Part 1) (2017-06-09)
  13. BenchmarkDotNet v0.10.7 (2017-06-05)
  14. 65535 interfaces ought to be enough for anybody (2017-02-14)
  15. A bug story about named mutex on Mono (2017-02-13)
  16. InvalidDataException in Process.GetProcesses (2017-02-10)
  17. Why is NuGet search in Rider so fast? (2017-02-08)
  18. NuGet2 and a DirectorySeparatorChar bug (2017-02-06)
  19. Performance exercise: Division (2016-12-26)
  20. Performance exercise: Minimum (2016-12-20)
  21. Stopwatch under the hood (2016-09-09)
  22. DateTime under the hood (2016-08-19)
  23. LegacyJIT-x86 and first method call (2016-04-04)
  24. Visual Studio and ProjectTypeGuids.cs (2016-02-27)
  25. Blittable types (2015-11-26)
  26. RyuJIT RC and constant folding (2015-05-12)
  27. Unrolling of small loops in different JIT versions (2015-03-02)
  28. RyuJIT CTP5 and loop unrolling (2015-03-01)
  29. JIT version determining in runtime (2015-02-28)
  30. A bug story about JIT-x64 (2015-02-27)
  31. A story about JIT-x86 inlining and starg (2015-02-26)
  32. About UTF-8 conversions in Mono (2014-11-10)
  33. Happy Monday! (2014-08-11)
  34. To Refactor Or Not To Refactor? (2014-07-19)
  35. Strange behavior of FindElementsInHostCoordinates in WinRT (2014-04-29)
  36. About System.Drawing.Color and operator == (2014-02-21)
  37. Setting up build configuration in .NET (2014-02-08)
  38. Jon Skeet's Quiz (2013-11-03)
  39. Perfect code and real projects (2013-08-28)
  40. To Add Comments or Not to Add? (2013-08-28)
  41. Unexpected area to collect garbage in .NET (2013-08-08)
  42. Unobviousness in use of C# closures (2013-08-07)
  43. Wrapping C# class for use in COM (2013-06-03)

Library / Books (19)

  1. Rating: 5 The Clean Coder (2011) by Robert C Martin
  2. Rating: 5 The Pragmatic Programmer (1999) by Andy Hunt
  3. Rating: 4 Bookdown (2016) by Yihui Xie
  4. Rating: 4 Clean Code (2008) by Robert C Martin
  5. Rating: 4 CLR via C# (2010) by Jeffrey Richter
  6. Rating: 4 Code Complete (2004) by Steve McConnell
  7. Rating: 4 Ggplot2 (2010) by Hadley Wickham Statistics
  8. Rating: 4 Introduction to Algorithms (2001) by Charles E. Leiserson
  9. Rating: 4 Practices of an Agile Developer (2017) by Venkat Subramaniam
  10. Rating: 4 Pro .NET Performance (2012) by Sasha Goldshtein
  11. Rating: 4 Pro WPF in C# 2010 (2010) by Matthew MacDonald
  12. Rating: 4 Refactoring (1999) by Martin Fowler
  13. Rating: 4 The Art of Readable Code (2011) by Dustin Boswell
  14. Rating: 4 Working Effectively with Legacy Code (2004) by Michael C. Feathers
  15. Rating: 4 Working in Public (2020) by Nadia Eghbal 1
  16. Rating: 4 Writing High-Performance .NET Code (2014) by Ben Watson
  17. Rating: 3 Design Patterns (1994) by Erich Gamma
  18. Rating: 3 Introducing Microsoft® Silverlight(TM) 3 (2009) by Laurence Moroney
  19. Rating: 3 Pro Git (2009) by Scott Chacon

Library / Web (6)

  1. Bashpitfalls Great
  2. BenchmarkDotNet by Adam Sitnik
  3. Every 7.8μs Your computer’s Memory Has a Hiccup by Marek Majkowski
  4. Paired benchmarking. How to Measure Performance by Denis Bazhenov
  5. Performance Roulette by Denis Bazhenov
  6. Your CPU May Have Slowed Down on Wednesday by Travis Downs