
Posts (13)

  1. How ListSeparator Depends on Runtime and Operating System (2020-05-20)
  2. How Sorting Order Depends on Runtime and Operating System (2020-05-13)
  3. How Socket Error Codes Depend on Runtime and Operating System (2020-04-27)
  4. .NET Core performance revolution in Rider 2020.1 (2020-04-14)
  5. A story about slow NuGet package browsing (2018-05-08)
  6. Analyzing distribution of Mono GC collections (2018-02-20)
  7. Reflecting on performance testing (2017-08-01) Mathematics Statistics
  8. 65535 interfaces ought to be enough for anybody (2017-02-14)
  9. A bug story about named mutex on Mono (2017-02-13)
  10. InvalidDataException in Process.GetProcesses (2017-02-10)
  11. Why is NuGet search in Rider so fast? (2017-02-08)
  12. NuGet2 and a DirectorySeparatorChar bug (2017-02-06)
  13. Visual Studio and ProjectTypeGuids.cs (2016-02-27)